Sunday, April 9, 2017

This week in JK

W is for...
water, watch, whistle, wheel, and so much more!

The Three Little Pigs
We learned about the story The Three Little Pigs. This is a great story to teach sequencing. Here, students are creating the pigs' houses out of straw, sticks, and "bricks."

Beautiful weather means our handwriting lessons can be outside!

Eric Carle
We read Eric Carle books this week and studied his art. We watched a cool video that explained how he creates his artwork. We imitated him by finger painting paper. When our paintings dried, we could cut out shapes to make art. Take a look at the finished products in the hallway at school (picture below).

W is for Water
In science this week, we learned about water. What sinks? What floats? How does water flow? How much water can different containers hold?

We turned our sensory table into a water table with many fun activities to complete while getting wet! It was quite a hit and we will keep it around another week.

We love having fun with friends in the dramatic play center!

Mystery Reader
We had two amazing mystery readers visit our classroom from North Dakota. We were so excited and grateful to know they wanted to donate their book and a stuffed animal to our classroom. Thank you!

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