Sunday, April 30, 2017

This Week in JK

Swirl Art
We used paint and shaving cream to make swirl art. We dipped our "Earths" into the mixture and scraped off the excess with a ruler. The final projects can be seen in the third picture.

Nature Walk
To end our unit on the 5 senses, JK students took a little nature walk. We recorded the sounds we heard, the sights we saw, the smells we sniffed, and the textures we felt.

Kindergarten Visitation
We were invited by the kindergarten teachers to come and visit their classroom. It was a neat experience. It was fun to meet the teachers and see some of our kindergarten friends. We are so excited to start kindergarten next year. Here is a quick group photo before we were on our way. Unfortunately, Mrs. Krause accidentally deleted the few photos she had of us in the kindergarten room.

We have had a few homework assignments this year, most of which involve the family. Students and their families were asked to find objects around the house or in nature that had certain textures. Here, a student shows off his work he did with his family.

I Pledge Allegiance...
I am so proud of how well these kids can say the Pledge of Allegiance now. We have only been practicing a few short weeks, but they have it down and are ready to say it every morning in kindergarten.

Center Time
Our dramatic play center is now a recycling center thanks to all of your donations of recyclable materials. We love sorting them into bins.

We are learning to write spring words in the writing center and enjoying the play dough in the sensory table.

There is nothing cooler than a real life construction project! We can watch all the action at recess from a safe distance and behind a secure fence, of course. 

Music Class
We are preparing for the spring concert. JK students will be singing two songs about caterpillars and butterflies. 

Thank you to our latest mystery reader.

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